Is this you?
You are a hardworking, ambitious creative.
You have big visions and dreams, but somehow something holds you back from stepping up your game.

What your challenges might look like:
– You want to start your own business, grow your business, launch your own program, whatever it is, you don´t feel ready yet.
– You doubt that you have the right talents, skills and knowledge and therefore constantly feel the need to learn more, accomplish more, get another certification, and simply don´t take (the right) action.
– You work way too many hours but somehow don’t see the results. It´s difficult for you to stay focused. You keep yourself busy with unimportant tasks.
-You keep procrastinating and waiting for the right moment.
No matter what it is, you feel that you first need to GAIN x before you can start DOING Z.
I am here to help you take your own leadership. Because what you need to gain is more trust, confidence and empowering beliefs on a subconscious level, so you can create a killer action plan and work towards your dreamlife.
That’s right, there is nothing more you need to add to you. It is time to connect with your highest self. It’s time to trust yourself, take the leap and start building your dreamlife.
If you are selected for a match call, I will give you at least 1 tool that will help you uncover your limiting beliefs, upgrade them and therefore step more into your potential.
-How much impact you can have on the world if you finally start your own freelance business.
-How much freedom you´d gain.
– How it would feel If you´d gain more confidence and started believing in yourself, your talents and vision.
– If you’d feel motivated to take action, work in a productive way and if work started to feel more like play.
-How energized you´d feel if you´d make money with doing something you LOVE.
– How it would feel if you´d align more with your values and your mission.
Truly imagine how it would feel like, right now.

Hi, my name is Elles Ottens
Besides being a cappuccino lover yep, you guessed it right, oat milk cappuccino 😉 -and Life enjoyer, I am an International Fashion model, TEDx speaker, Certified Life Coach, EMDR practitioner, Hypnotherapist & RTT (rapid transformational therapy) Therapist.
Nothing enthralls me more than seeing other creatives take their own stage, feeling confident in their own skin and just really GOING for it!
Having held back myself for a long time, I know firsthand how painful and frustrating it feels to put in all the work, the hours, the energy, but not seeing the results you wish to see.
I am here to help you pull that potential out of you. That’s it – it’s time to live up to your full potential! Because the world will be a better place when you do so. And most importantly, you deserve to go for that next level in your life.
How working on my subconscious beliefs enabled me level up my career DRASTICALLY.
Six years ago, I got an email from my agency in Milan, telling me I got invited for a casting for Dolce & Gabbana! Being invited to a casting for Dolce & Gabbana excited me, but at the same time felt like a big waste of time.
Thoughts like “I am not confident enough, I am not beautiful enough, this job is above my level” immediately started popping up.
Not even being aware of how deeply I was sabotaging myself… I went to the casting, and guess what. Surprise surprise, Of course I didn’t get the job!
Because if I didn’t believe I was worthy of that job, how could the casting director ever possibly believe it, right?

Winter 2015, I went to Milan again, and again I had a casting for Dolce & Gabbana.
I knew that if I wanted to get this job and if I wanted to see real results in my life, something had to change.
I saw that I kept having these great opportunities, but somehow I wasn’t able to use them to the best of my ability.
I finally understood that if I wanted to live up to my fullest potential, I had to change what I believed to be true about myself and what I was capable of.
Yup, you´re guessing it right, I had to change my subconscious beliefs.
So here is what I did: I visualized,I meditated, I practised gratitude, I did daily affirmations.
In short, I did the inner work.
And guess what, I got the job! And of course I happily celebrated with a glass of bubbly champagne 😉

Wait for it, because there is more. Time to get a cup of coffee or tea. Sure, wine is fine too;) and read further!
So here the story continues. 2020, September. After enjoying a beautiful sunny holiday in Como with my Boyfriend, I went to Milan to see my modeling agency. I asked my agency if I could meet again with the casting director from Dolce & Gabbana. Guess what, turns out that they were having a fashion show that week…
After having done even more innerwork; read energy work & hypnosis sessions, I knew this was my time. I was hungry and craving for more. I was READY for the opportunity.
This time I didn´t only want to be the showgirl, I wanted to be their campaign girl, too. I went to the casting, walked for them and then almost slipped out of their beautiful shoes. Whoops! Did they see it? I am not sure.. However, because I didn’t care, they didn’t seem to care either… Because yup, I booked the show AND the Campaign. I finally was able to take my own stage.
It really blew my mind. I realized that the way we view ourselves is so important. It influences your body posture, confidence, your actions and therefore the way other people see you. So YES, change your thoughts, change your energy, change your actions and you will see totally different results.
I am not saying that every time you believe you can do something, it will happen. You need to put in the effort; mentally and physically. However, working on your negative thought patterns and working on your self-esteem definitely will give you different results.
Easy peasy right? Here is the problem though..
Neuroscience shows that 95 percent of everything you think, do and feel stems from your subconscious mind. In other words, almost everything you do happens without your conscious awareness. Your subconscious mind simply follows an old outdated blueprint. This often results in us sabotaging ourselves and our success without even realizing it.
Sounds crazy, doesn’t it ?
Your brain is running on autopilot so to speak, so it can save energy. And hey, this is all fine, but only if this autopilot is SERVING YOU, instead of working against you.
The problem, however, is that many, many times this isn’t the case. We form beliefs about ourselves in our childhood and hold onto these beliefs for sometimes as long as our whole LIVES!
But, what if YOU could find out what beliefs are sabotaging you on a subconscious level and therefore grow rapidly. That’s right, both personally as well as business wise.
What if you could understand where your limiting thought patterns and actions are stemming from and could pluck these out.
That’s it, there is a way to find out what is truly blocking you. To find out what beliefs certain memories gave you and held you back for a long, long time… And attach new beliefs to those events.
Because in the end, it is not the event that hurts you or make you feel incapable, it is the meaning you attached to those events when you were young that is holding you back.
Yes, you´re guessing it right, even seemingly insignificant events can hold us back for years, if not, decades!
I am here to help you get rid of blocks and make space in your subconscious mind for new empowering beliefs. That’s it, empowering, healthy beliefs that help you go to the next level.
Because YES, there is a way to break out of our own outdated, limiting blueprint. Or should I say there is a way up? Because UNLEASH YOUR LIMITS is all about leveling up your game and living the life you deserve to live

What is Unleash your limits like and what can it do for you?
It is for you if you want to increase your self-belief, overcome imposter syndrome and start your own freelance business.
It is for you if you want to tap into your potential and create a life that excites you.
Are you ready to gain more freedom?
In this program, we will dive DEEP. We´ll work on a conscious level as well as subconscious level.
We set a vision for you. Make a roadmap. See what the NEXT LEVEL means for you. I´ll help you set realistic and empowering goals while at the same time taking action. And oh yeah, you can expect me to give you a friendly kick in the ass whenever I feel that you need one!
We will also work on a deeper level, to remove subconscious blocks.
The technique I use for this is called Rapid Transformational Therapy.
´Rapid Transformational uhhh what?´

Rapid Transformational Therapy is an award winning Therapy developed by the renowned celebrity therapist, Marisa Peer.
It is a combination of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Psychotherapy. It is a new revolutionary method that enables you to access your subconscious mind.
RTT helps you find out the root cause of why you´re not excelling the way you wish to, and to upgrade limiting subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you. These can be beliefs that have held you back for -no joke- over 20 years! That’s right, many times without even being aware of it.
RTT can help you to (but are not limited to):
-Unlock motivation
-Increase self love & self confidence
-Increase public speaking skills
-Develop a healthy money mindset
-Work in a focused way
-Overcome fears and anxieties
In short, through RTT I help you find out what holds you back on a subconscious level. We´ll dive deep, really deep. Afterwards I will send you a personalized hypnosis audio AND provide you little tools that you can use in your everyday life to level up your performance.
What your transformation can look like:

What do you practically get?
Vision setting session. (1.5 hour) During this call we will create a vision and roadmap for you to gain clarity on what your next level looks like.
2 Deep Dive RTT Sessions (1.5 hours per session)
Have you ever wondered why some people are more motivated, goal oriented, driven and courageous than others? The answer lies in your subconscious mind. In these sessions we work on topics such as (but not limited to): self-confidence, motivation, procrastination, time management, money mindset and/or receiving blocks. Unleash your limits is an exclusive program, tailored to your needs.
2 Personalized, comprehensive hypnosis audio´s to listen to for three weeks, each. To upgrade your beliefs.
2 coaching sessions of 30 minutes to keep up with your action plan and provide you with extra tools to boost your productivity, high performance game, and energy level.
+ SUPPORT through e-mail. Receive a check-in email from me every week, except for the weeks we have a coaching session planned. In other words, we will be talking every week!
What to expect:
– One-on-one coaching with me for 3 months.
– Overcome what holds you back and build confidence in your abilities so you can finally start your own (freelance) business, and feel excited about it!
– Gain more self-belief and overcome imposter syndrome.
– Stop procrastinating and boost your high-performance game.
-Get your first clients.
Your investment:
€1495-, (excl. tax)
You can also pay in 3 terms of €499-,

What clients say about their experience with Elles
First of all, congratulations. I respect you for doing the innerwork and committing to understanding yourself on a deeper level! However, knowing something and truly feeling something is completely different. In our sessions, I don’t only enable you to understand what is holding you back on a deeper level. I also help you work through those limiting beliefs, so you start to truly feel different and think in a new way. Here is where your personal self-hypnosis audio together with the other tools I provide you will come in handy. To rewire and recode your mind with new and empowering beliefs, so you can finally take that next step.
I know how you feel. Last year I made quite a lot of BIG investments in myself and even though I knew the money would come back to me, the moment of purchasing the investment felt scary. But, one thing I can tell you is that I am so grateful I made those investments! To be honest, I am not sure where I would be now if I wouldn’t have made those investments..
Just think about how much money and time you could save if you’d grow rapidly. And let´s be honest, If you´d fully go for that next step in your life, you get your return on investment in no time!
Unleash your limits is a customized program, tailored to your needs. Therefore the results are different for everyone. The reason why I created a personalized program is because I am very intuitive and want to understand first what you need the very most in this time of your life.
However, what you surely can expect is to:
– Feel more energized and
excited about life.
-Boost your high-performance game.
– Step into your zone of genius.
– Release limiting beliefs, self-doubt, fears or emotional patterns, and blocks.
– Overcome what holds you back and build confidence in your abilities so you can reach your next level.
– Experience rapid growth in your business.
In this exclusive one-on-one program -divided over 3 months- we will work on your business goals as well as other important areas of your life.
That´s right, in the end YOU are your business. When you feel confident, motivated and energized, your business automatically thrives more because of it.
Therefore your wellbeing will always be the number one priority to me.
I understand you still might have some questions, please send me a message or apply for a call with me on this page. I would love to connect with you!
You are always in full control. All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis. Hypnosis is a very natural state. In fact, every day you reside in states of hypnosis. Think of hypnosis as a trance state in which you are fully in the moment, like when you are riding a bike, driving a car or are glued to your laptop because you´re binge watching your favorite netflix series.
This trance state allows you to take in affirmations and suggestions fast, and therefore upgrade thought patterns and beliefs. That’s right, so it can influence your actions and behaviours in a positive way, and therefore change your life.
For sure! You can pay in 3 terms, divided over 3 months.
Other reviews and messages
I received from coachees
´I had an incredible session with Elles. The hypnosis helped me understand myself more and what kind of person I am. After listening to the audio I actually re-opened my online store.
I´d recommend Elles to people who have a lack of self-belief because after our session my self-belief grew massively.´

Zara B. Influencer & founder of
L´unique store
‘I had a self hypnosis session for fear of Public Speaking with Elles. It was truly amazing and helped me moved past the limiting beliefs I had about myself in my capabilities as a speaker.
I’ve been listening to it every morning since our session and it instantly puts me in a perfect mood for the day.
I highly recommend her to anyone struggling with fear of public speaking. Instead of feeling fearful before any kind of public speaking I now feel excited knowing that I have an important message to share.
Thank you Elles!!”

Josefine Akerberg
´Elles recorded a beautiful hypnosis audio for my clients.
I listened to Elles´ hypnosis audio for 3 weeks as well and I am very excited about it. It helped me effortlessly fill my master mind group and I also see how it helped me with my new MBB group, it just feels so effortless right now. I didn’t even need to do a webinar, I only needed to say that the doors are open and people just applied because they felt it is the right program for them.´

Marlou Volkerink. Business & Branding expert