Terms and conditions

Coaching methods, workshops and audios:
You acknowledge that a workshop, coaching session or hypnosis audio might be challenging. In other words, you acknowledge that by participating in a workshop, session, or listening to an audio, feelings of annoyance, stress, frustration or anger might arise.

You will not hold Elles liable for any loss or cost incurred by you in the event of mental, physical or emotional stress or distress caused directly or indirectly in relation to a workshop, coaching session or hypnosis audio. You will indemnify Elles in the event of any such claim.

You will participate in all (self)hypnosis sessions / workshops free from the influence of alcohol or drugs. Do not listen to any self-hypnosis audio while driving or operating machinery. If you are epileptic or diagnosed with a psychotic disorder – including multiple personality and bi-polar disorder-, please do not undergo hypnosis.
If in doubt, contact your doctor first.

Elevate Your Self-Confidence Audio:
This audio is not suitable for individuals suffering from severe trauma, PTSD, epilepsy, or any psychotic illness, including multiple personality disorder or bipolar disorder. If in doubt, please contact your doctor first.

Hypnosis Limitations:
Hypnosis alone is no guarantee of success. You must be open, willing, and motivated for change via hypnosis.

Elles Ottens is not a licensed physician, psychologist, or medical practitioner of any kind. Hypnosis is not a replacement for medical advice or services
from a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or doctor.

Do not adjust any prescribed medication without your doctor’s approval. If in any doubt, seek advice from your GP.

After a (audio)session or workshop, make sure to ground yourself before driving or operating machinery. 

Code of Ethics and Professional Confidentiality
Elles Ottens will not share client information or any information about them to anyone outside of the therapy and clinical supervision unless someone’s personal safety is at risk. In these exceptional circumstances, they may have an ethical or legal obligation to share some information. If there is a need to share information for this reason, where possible, therapists will discuss this with clients beforehand.

By participating in a one-on-one session or workshop, you hereby release Elles Ottens from any liability or claims that could be made against Elles concerning your mental and/or physical well-being.

By listening to any self-hypnosis audio with sonic quantity energy, you hereby release Elles Ottens and David Olarte (indlandsis) from any liability or claims that could be made against Elles Ottens or David Olarte (indlandsis) concerning your mental and/or physical well-being.

By participating in any of Elles´ Workshops, listening to one or her hypnosis audios, or booking a one-on-one session, you confirm that you have read the above and understand the process of hypnotherapy and accept these terms and conditions. 

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