Hire me for your Retreat, Training or Academy.

Shoot Elles

What to expect?

Together with you, I coordinate what your unique group needs. We discuss their fears, their desires, who they want to grow into and what is still holding them back. Based on this, I will guide them through a group RTT session. These sessions are incredibly  bonding, insightful and can create lasting change. 

Topics of expertise:

Imposter syndrome

Tap into your intuition to gain more clarity

Increase your High performance game

Trusted by:

About me

Hi there! My name is Elles Ottens. I am an International Fashion model, TEDx speaker, Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) Therapist.

International Fashion model 
I have been working as an International Fashion model for 8 years (Wooh, time flies!) Over the course of my career, I worked with beautiful brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Vogue, L´officiel, Marie Claire, Elle Magazine, Oysho and many others

TEDx Talk
In my TED X talk, I talk openly about how modeling often negatively influenced my self-image. In order to keep going in a world that looks very glamorous & dreamlike on the outside, I had to find a way to keep myself stable and build a strong self-esteem as the reality was actually a challenging career path that pushed me to discover tools to become stronger and more resilient. 

See my TEDx talk to listen to my full story. Years of inner work has helped me to rebuild my self-esteem and feel more stable within myself no matter the circumstances. While also at the same time uplevelling my career drastically. 

Rapid Transformational Therapist & Empowerment coach.
Nowadays, I am a Rapid Transformational Therapist and Empowerment Coach. I help (starting) new entrepreneurs build a strong sense of self-worth, self-belief and resilience to go after their dreams.



Hypnosis directly influences your subconscious mind. 95 percent of everything we think, do and feel stems from our so to speak formed blueprint. This blueprint is formed in the early stages of childhood. The blueprint exists of the thoughts, behaviors and actions we learned from our parents, teachers, our experiences and society in general. Even though those beliefs and behaviors don’t serve us anymore, they stay with us if we don’t consciously work on them.

Hypnosis is the fastrack to influence your subconscious mind. It brings you in a different brainwave state, which allows your subconscious mind to take in new empowering beliefs easily. After listening to your audio for several weeks, you override your old limiting thought patterns with new empowering thought patterns. Behavioral change all starts with changing your thoughts. Through hypnosis you change your thought patterns, beliefs and therefore your actions.

Hypnosis is safe. You are always in full control. All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis. Hypnosis is a very natural state. In fact, every day you reside in states of hypnosis. Think of hypnosis as a trance state in which you are fully in the moment, like when you are riding a bike, driving a car or are glued to your laptop because you´re binge watching your favorite netflix series. 

This trance state allows you to take in affirmations and suggestions fast, and therefore upgrade thought patterns and beliefs. That’s right, so it can influence your actions and behaviours in a positive way, and therefore change your life.

Note: this workshop is not suitable for anyone who has had an epileptic episode. 




Servet Büyükkuşoğlu
Founder of Daire co-working space

´The therapy session led by Elles was an inspiring and bonding event. Our members really enjoyed the session and had an extraordinary experience with Elles’ guidance. It’s a great choice of event to have in a coworking space full with entrepreneurs in order to increase their motivation, confidence and energy. Kindness and coaching skill of Elles was the most important effect on this great experience.´



Yvette Pelgrom – Director at My lifebook leaders and Mindvalley. Founder of KYND.

´Elles combines a blend of compassion, boldness and professionality. Rarely have I seen such a therapist/coach who knows how to create such a safe space in a short time span – even with a big group. 
Her tone of voice, face expression and spot-on words let to tears, unique personal revelations and also for the post-integration afterwards – she knew exactly how to steer the group while giving everyone enough space to share and helping them reflect with reflective questions and comments. Just, wauw!´ 

Juliana Ohne -Breathwork coach and organizer of Freedom Fest

´I had the pleasure of having Elles on a little retreat and the feedback of everyone was incredible. Her gentle voice, joy and excitement for life & compassion towards others is radiating and felt by everyone who has the pleasure of meeting her. As most of self-healing tools there is alot of questions and doubt around certain topics which is why i adore the way elles holds her space, making sure everyone feels safe, supported and loved.
Thank you so much for doing what you do Elles, spreading love and bringing people back to their true self, the one where we are whole, where anything is possible, guided by your love and compassion.´

Let´s connect!

Want to connect to see if I am the right fit for your audience?

Send a message to hello@ellesottens.com and I will get back to you within 48 hours. 

Shoot Elles
Elles Ottens Rapid transformational therapist RTT therapist Empowerment coach self-hypnosis hypnotherapist hypnosis high performance
Elles Ottens Rapid transformational therapist RTT therapist Empowerment coach self-hypnosis hypnotherapist hypnosis high performance
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