Attain business clarity


Attain clarity by tapping into your intuition.

Something special happens when you tune in to your inner voice. In this guided hypno-meditation, Elles will guide you to the theta state. In this state of being, your intuition heightens, and you will receive a moment for personal reflection to gain more clarity. This hypnosis session is designed by Elles, and enhanced with Sonic Quantum Energy, by David Olarte.

Elles has guided this session at retreats and membership clubs in Amsterdam, Malaga and London. Now you can listen to this session from the comfort of your home. 

What can you expect?

  • This audio is best suited if you are a freelancer and you´d like to gain more clarity on your direction or next business move. 
  • Get in touch with your intuition and (re)-connect with your heart’s desire. 
  • Save time by understanding what your main focus should be for the coming year or half year. 
  • A beautiful reset and motivation after gaining more clarity.

Sonic Quantum Energy
The audios are infused with Sonic Quantum Energy. They allow you to relax at a deeper level and easily guide you into the theta state: a state of being that makes it easy to tap into your intuition. 

David Olarte
David Olarte, founder of Indlandsis, draws on his background in theology and music to create compositions that induce trance-like states. Through Indlandsis, he seamlessly blends ancient healing techniques with modern sonic enhancements, providing an ideal backdrop for hypnosis audios aimed at high performance.

Please do not listen to this audio while driving or opera
ting machinery, or if you are epileptic. If in doubt, please contact your doctor first. After any hypnosis session, make sure to ground yourself before driving.



Zara B. – Influencer & founder of L´unique store

“I had an incredible session with Elles. The hypnosis helped me understand myself more and what kind of person I am. After listening to the audio I actually re-opened my online store.

This therefore shows that the audio and hypnosis actually works, if you also put the work in it. I´d recommend Elles to people who have a lack of self-belief because after our session my self-belief grew massively.

Elles I am eternally grateful for meeting you and you have impacted my life so much even though we have never met in person.”


Josefine A. – Creative Consultant & Certified Life coach

“I had a self hypnosis session for fear of Public Speaking with Elles. It was truly amazing and helped me moved past the limiting beliefs I had about myself in my capabilities as a speaker. I’ve been listening to it every morning since our session and it instantly puts me in a perfect mood for the day.

Her voice is very soothing and clear and reminds you of your strengths and your purpose in a very loving and warm way. Instead of feeling fearful before any kind of public speaking I now feel excited knowing that I have an important message to share. Elles is also a truly wonderful person and I’m so thankful that I have gotten the opportunity to work with her.

If you are struggling with public speaking she can definitely help you feel confident in yourself and your abilities. Thank you Elles!!”


Mary H. – Therapist

“Elles is an amazing Therapist and wonderful human being! She is kind hearted, doesn´t judge and really makes you feel comfortable and at ease. I would recommend anyone to work with her.

Because she was so kind and understanding, it was so easy to open up to her. However passtionate I am about my business, I still struggled to put myself and my business out there. Elles helped me change that by taking me back to the root cause of my insecurities. She has enabled me to continue to build on my dreams and I´m very grateful for that!”


Listen to it for a minimum of 3 weeks to see wonderful results.

Hypnosis directly influences your subconscious mind. 95 percent of everything we think, do and feel stems from our so to speak formed blueprint. This blueprint is formed in the early stages of childhood. The blueprint exists of the thoughts, behaviors and actions we learned from our parents, teachers, our experiences and society in general. Even though those beliefs and behaviors don’t serve us anymore, they stay with us if we don’t consciously work on it.

Hypnosis is the fastrack to influence your subconscious mind. It brings you in a different brainwave state, which allows your subconscious mind to take in new empowering beliefs easily. After listening to your audio for several weeks, you override your old limiting thought patterns with new empowering thought patterns. Behavioral change all starts with changing your thoughts. Through hypnosis you change your thought patterns, beliefs and therefore your actions.

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